Saturday, January 14, 2012

It feels like no matter how much everybody tries to ignore the importance of families, it always creeps up. Families are a big influence on future generations. If someone is raised from a broken home, it is more likely that they too will have a broken home and vice versa. When you have individuals raised in homes with 2 parents, they will most likely get married and have a complete family. Divorce really takes a toll on everyone who gets sucked into it. I've had to deal with 2 divorces in my life. They were not pretty and it sucks that it happened. My real dad was married once to my mom and then again to my step-mom. It was a horrible experience both times and it has made such an impact on my life. I will never get married because I feel like I have to. That's just dumb and anyone who gets married for that reason kind of deserves to have their marriage fail. You marry someone because it's the right thing and you're in love with that other individual. It is a very selfish act to marry someone you don't love. It's not fair to you and especially not fair to the person you marry. I also strongly believe that if you love someone and things aren't working out as well as you'd hoped, you should seek help so that you can have things work the way you want to. Well I don't know how these blog things work exactly. I hope you all enjoyed my rant. Maybe I'll get better over time. Bare with me. (I think that's the right form of bear/bare... I don't know)

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